Why Should I Join Band?

Band is awesome! We could explain why… but it’s much better hearing from actual students!


It is a positive life changing experience. Palmetto High School has a very proud tradition of having a successful band program. Anytime I hear from past members they light up when talking about when they were in band. It becomes clear in the first few seconds that band was a highlight of their high school years.



So don't let life pass you by. Every high school student should find some activities to be involved in. Band can help you develop many extra life skills needed to succeed no matter what you choose as a career. There is nothing else like marching band!

Some of the Benefits of Band 

  • Teamwork- No matter what you do in life, working together is essential. Band is a great way to work as a group and learn to reach goals. 

  • Extra Curricular- Colleges and Universities are impressed when students have participated in activities such as marching band. Most scholarship applications require participation in extra- curricular activities. 

  • Life Skills- Students learn dedication, commitment, perseverance, and acceptance.

  • Responsibility- These are necessary skills for life no matter what you choose as a career. 

  • Friendships- Many band members make friendships that last. Most students will tell you that the band is their second family. Students will find a group to be part of - band is much better than running with the wrong crowd. 

  • Leadership- Students learn to become excellent leaders through performance and activities. 

  • Time Management Skills- You learn how to manage your time and make the most of it. 

  • Travel- You get to take trips to play music with other students. The band has traveled to Florida, North Carolina, and Charleston!

  • Football Games- You get into every Palmetto High School Football game to support the team, Home AND Away.