Paying Your Fair Share

As the booster organization is a non-profit organization, we must pay our bills in a professional and timely manner.  It is important that you pay your dues by the date listed to provide for the cash flow necessary for us to conduct our affairs.  If at any time you experience difficulty meeting the payment schedule, PLEASE contact Mr. Baker or the booster president.  It is very important to have communication between the parent and the band boosters regarding payment.

We understand that families everywhere are in different financial situations and have varying abilities to contribute.  In no way do we wish to prevent students from participating in the band opportunities at Palmetto High School due to payment difficulties. We do offer fundraising opportunities, in which students can pay the full fair share amount without paying a dime out of pocket! It is also our agenda to promote responsibility among students and parents.  That said, students who are delinquent in their payments will be withheld from certain performances, UNLESS the parents have communicated a clear and acceptable plan for financial resolution and are following it.  All financial communications remain confidential between the director and certain booster executive board members.


Make a Dues Payment

Payment Schedule:

May 25th: $50

Jul 1st: $25

Aug 1st: $25

Sep 1st: $50

Make A Payment

Make an Equipment Payment


Equipment payments are for items all students may not need i.e. shoes, gloves, colorguard flagbags, reeds, repairs made through school, etc.



Make an Equipment Payment